Jennifer Thompson
Warrior Jace's Mommy. From the date of Jace's diagnosis, she vowed until her last breath, to do whatever she could to honor Jace, his life, his courage and bravery. The horror of the 347 days Jace fought the monstrous evil that is DIPG is forever ingrained in her mind and heart. She is steadfast in her resolve to continue to fight for better treatment options and ultimately a cure for DIPG by funding Clinical Research Trials through the Warrior Jace Foundation

Sharon Sanders
Warrior Jace's Gigi. As the grandmother to Jace, she is determined to continue the fight that Warrior Jace so valiantly fought. She is working diligently to assist the Foundaiton in all aspects of fundraising and administration. She is instrumental in the establishment of the Warrior Jace Foundation and it is now her life's mission to honor her youngest grandson, Jace Kinley, by fighting to find better treatment options and a cure for DIPG

Lavi Adkins
Lavi has been a friend of the Thompson family for over 10 years. She is an asset to any fundraiser. She is tireless and gives much of her time to others. She stood by the Thompson family throughout Jace's 347 day battle including traveling to Washington, DC to support and help them during their time there. She and her family have and will continue to have an important role in the Warrior Jace Foundation

Mike York
Mike is a friend of the Thompson family. He has a genuine heart and giving soul. He is instrumental in many aspects of the Warrior Jace Foundation. Mike does so much behind the scenes and expects no accolades. He, too, will continue his work to raise awareness of DIPG as well as raise funds for DIPG Clinical Research Trials. We are so grateful that Mike is our friend and such an integral part of the Warrior Jace Team​

Bridget Burleson
Jennifer and Bridget have known each other for over 7 years as they both work for the same department. Bridget joined the Warrior Jace team because she truly has a passion for helping others She has a special interest in working with the Warrior Jace Foundation to help fight DIPG. Bridget is responsible for coordinating volunteers for each event. She is a great asset and we are grateful to have her on the Warrior Jace Team

Jon Sarver
Jon is a friend of the Thompson family and has been Jennifer's co-worker for the past 19 years. He is a fellow bother in blue and a genuine friend and supporter of the Warrior Jace Foundation. Jon is a member of Heaven's Reign Quartet. They held two concerts for Warrior Jace: one in December of 2017, another in December of 2019. Due to their success the Christmas concert will now be continued annually. Jon plays a big role in the Warrior Jace Foundation and we are honored he is on the Warrior Jace Team.​